
Showing posts from December, 2021

Climbing Walls India: Experience the thrill of rock climbing indoors

Rock climbing is an activity or sport which involves the process of climbing rock faces by thrusting oneself using only hands and feet besides additional equipment such as safety rope etc. Like most of the other sports activities, it is strenuous and requires intense practice of thrusting the whole body upwards while climbing upwards. Being agile, fit and mental grit are extremely important for this sport. With COVID-19 pandemic forcing lockdowns worldwide, these outdoor activities of rock climbing abruptly came to halt owing to safety measures across the world. Climbing Walls India, known for the usage of quality adventure gears now facilitates  Indoor climbing wall Delhi  so that fitness enthusiasts can practise rock climbing at the safety of their homes.   The artificial walls for the purpose of rock climbing can either be attached to a strong wall which will act as a support. This also allows challenging patterns and curves to be designed at the weight of the climbers whether s

Climbing Walls India: Facilitating safe adventure indoors with their home indoor walls

  The landscape of every social activity or interaction changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns were sanctioned in even countries around the globe to prevent the virus from spreading rapidly. While work and study gathered popularity, it was sports and recreational activities that took a backseat at this time. To keep up with the times, Climbing Walls India has facilitated the thrill of outdoor activities such as rock climbing indoors by facilitating artificial walls for different activities like rock climbing, bouldering, etc.     Created with state-of-art technology, these walls are easily installable indoors and minimize maintenance hassles and provide the experience of rock climbing in the safety of your own homes. Bouldering comprises short movements over small rocks or boulders without the usage of any harness or rope. This activity can be performed solo or spotter using chalk and climbing shoes. Chalk is used by climbers to absorb sweat effectively so as to prevent loosen