Climbing Walls India: Experience the thrill of rock climbing indoors

Rock climbing is an activity or sport which involves the process of climbing rock faces by thrusting oneself using only hands and feet besides additional equipment such as safety rope etc. Like most of the other sports activities, it is strenuous and requires intense practice of thrusting the whole body upwards while climbing upwards. Being agile, fit and mental grit are extremely important for this sport. With COVID-19 pandemic forcing lockdowns worldwide, these outdoor activities of rock climbing abruptly came to halt owing to safety measures across the world. Climbing Walls India, known for the usage of quality adventure gears now facilitates Indoor climbing wall Delhi so that fitness enthusiasts can practise rock climbing at the safety of their homes.


The artificial walls for the purpose of rock climbing can either be attached to a strong wall which will act as a support. This also allows challenging patterns and curves to be designed at the weight of the climbers whether solo or group will be handled by the support wall. But in case when one is living in rented spaces, the designing of the walls has to be done carefully so that the wall may not collapse. Various places facilitating rock climbing Delhi advise that safety is an important issue while pursuing indoor as well as outdoor rock climbing. The need for having a fit body as well as usage of correct safety gears ensures a smooth experience.


Various types of climbing such as bouldering, sports climbing, trad climbing, dry tooling, big wall climbing, alpine climbing provide an experience like never before. Some of these such as bouldering can be pursued in the comfort of your homes with the installation of the Indoor climbing Wall Delhi to help you experience the thrill of climbing and help improve your body fitness. With various state of the art equipment available such as ropes, rope care, belay devices, cordlette, webbing and carabiners that help easing any issues one might experience while pursuing this exhilarating sport.


Contact Climbing Walls India, a well-known name for Rock climbing Delhi online at and don’t let yourself and your family miss out on the adventure of rock climbing. 


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